Have you been to clinics in the past, that getting gave me the treatment that you thought you deserved? Maybe you or for any member for neglected by that. Or maybe he didn’t have the type of services that she needed at the time. Here at Campbellsville Clinic, we offer various services for all of your health care needs. We offer addiction treatment, behavioral health services, lab, chronic disease management, minor ambulatory procedures, homeopathic consultations, work travel exam, immunization, pediatric care, and geriatric care.
Maybe somebody has separate from addiction and substance abuse. Do they need help? Here at Campbellsville Clinic, I have been in the business of addiction recovery. We love her story families and helping people to the present. We offer medically assisted treatment to those with seven from addiction. We also do medication and behavior therapy for people who suffer from open and alcohol-related use disorders. We also help patients get the programs for healthy living, and if things with obtaining housing, inpatient rehabilitation, transportation, and job assistance.
Maybe you know somebody has behavioral health issues. Here at Campbellsville Clinic, we treat patients who have had physical, mental, and emotional-behavioral problems. Most of these are compounded by stress. We offer a variety of integrative approaches to prevent and manage stress, anxiety, depression, chronic illness, bipolar disorder, and other mental conditions. We also have a variety of other modalities that help people who suffer from depression, ADHD, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and addiction care.
We also have one of the best labs. We offer a full-service laboratory you can see results immediately after your provider of future lats, on theHELOW app. this app also allows you to see your entire medical record. We also deal with chronic disease management. We have asthma care, diabetes care, hypertension care, high cholesterol management, heart disease and failure, digestive disorders, and addiction. We also have minor ambulatory procedures. We are observed in minor-league removal, skin lesion biopsies. Minor laceration repair, and drainage of the skin abscess. We also do geriatric care, if you’ve ever had a family member or friend who needed to react care, but didn’t get it to the level that she wanted. Here at Campbellsville Clinic, with a focus on care for the elderly. We aim at promoting held by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities and older patients. We also offer psychological help. We know that psychological needed is important as physical needs. Our staff is trained to effectively care for geriatric elderly patients. We also have pediatric care. Medicaid from the waiting room and we had cared for. Acute forms of chronic conditions.
If you are wanting to contact us, you can reach us at our number, 270-789-0034. We can also redesign the website, onecrosshealth.com. One while you are on our website, you can look at all of the different views that we had people who had come to our Campbellsville Clinic in the past. We can offer the type of care that you and your family members deserve. We pride ourselves on our duty to give Colby be clear to all people. We want you to reach the level of help.
Campbellsville Clinic | How Can You Contact Us
Have your family member or friend to a clinic in the past, and you didn’t get the care that you need? Maybe they just didn’t have the services that you needed for you if any of you here at Campbellsville Clinic, without a variety of different services. We have geriatric health, geriatric care, pediatric care, immunizations, work travel in school exams, homeopathic patients, minor ambulatory procedures, chronic disease management, lab, behavioral health services, and addiction treatment. We also have other variety of services that we offer. We also accept most insurance plans, with Medicare, Medicaid, most private insurance plans, and tri-care.
We do general health here at Campbellsville Clinic, we know that you know how this more than just having. We could assess your physical, mental, and social well-being. We need curiosity here. Have you ever been to clinics in the past but didn’t accurately service you, geriatric patients? Well, we take pride in our ability to give great geriatric care. Along with your physical needs, we also treat the blood goodies. Promote health by preventing and treating and stability the older patients. Along with that, we have staff that is trying to effectively care for the elderly and their family members.
Have you had a pediatric patient or family member, that getting that care that you thought would have been adequate? Here at Campbellsville Clinic, we take pride in our ability to give comprehensive and holistic pediatric care. We have kids from the living room. We know that sometimes it gets. By waiting rooms, naturally made ours to friendly. We also care for various forms of acute chronic conditions in children. Mounted to specialize in web experience and other mental health conditions. We know that emotional health is just as important as physical health. We also do immunizations for children. Our vaccine program is federally funded. It is no cost to you might not have been able to afford vaccines because they were not able to pay for it.
Also to homeopathic consultations. Here I Campbellsville Clinic, we offer holistic and natural alternatives to conventional medicine. These methods treat diabetes, elevated cholesterol, depression, anxiety, health, insomnia, dementia, and other memory issues. We also do minor ambulatory procedures. We offer might have lesion removal, minor laceration repair, incision and drainage of local skin exit, in the lesion biopsy. We also have an amazing lab here at Campbellsville Clinic. We hope will service lab that you can see your lab results immediately after your provider is easy lab results on the HELOW app. this app allows you to see your entire medical records as well. We also offer chronic disease management. With asthma care, diabetes care, hypertension care, high cholesterol management, heart disease and failure, and other addictions.
If you like to contact us, can reach us at 270-789-0034. It can also reach us@onecrosshealth.com. Whenever you go to our website, you can read all the different views that we have had from past patients. We pride ourselves on our ability to give holistic care. We know that you will appreciate our services when you come to see us at Campbellsville Clinic.