We cover all of your family medical needs here at urgent clinic Campbellsville. Our team approach and commitment to excellence offers you a variety of services to help care for all the needs of your family. By focusing on the whole person, we care for your physical health needs as well as care for your spiritual and emotional well-being. Cover all sides of your family from her general health care, geriatric care, pediatric care, anything offer vaccines for kids. We also make it easy to see your lab results immediately with our HELOW . This app allows you to see your entire medical records and future appointments. It makes taking care of the whole family the best.

Let’s start with our urgent clinic Campbellsville general healthcare. We care for all your general health needs. At our clinic, we offer holistic care for all of your health needs. We know that general health is more than the absence of disease, but a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. We work hard to help you achieve all aspects of health. We also offer a variety of chronic disease management and care. Our approach is an integrative approach to managing illnesses which include screenings, checkups, monitoring, and coordinating treatments, and patient education. Some of the chronic disease we manage our COPD and asthma care, diabetes care, hypertension care, high cholesterol management, heart disease and failure, digestive disorder, and addiction.

We offer the best kid friendly waiting room here at urgent clinic Campbellsville. We care for various acute and chronic conditions and offer comprehensive holistic pediatric care. We have counselors who specialize in children who have experienced trauma and other mental health conditions. We care for all kids emotional and physical needs. When kids are healthy, emotionally, and physically fit, they’re better able to face life’s challenges, make good choices, develop positive self-esteem, and build strong relationships. The vaccine for children program is a federally funded program that provides vaccine for no cost to children who might not otherwise be vaccinated because of their ability to pay. Children who are eligible for this program may receive vaccines at a free or greatly reduced price.

Geriatric care is a specialty that focuses on healthcare of elderly people. Geriatric care at our clinic encompasses a holistic approach in coping with the effects of aging. Through elderly care, we aim to promote health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities and older adults. We do not only care for the physical needs of our elders, but also for their psychological and social needs. Families Cofer elders have special needs and learning how to care for aging parents. We provide a staff that is trained to efficiently care for an elder and their family needs.

On all sides, we have you and your family at the forefront of our priorities. Let us take care of any and all of your medical needs for each and every one of your family members. Please reach out to us at any time if you have any questions, comments, or concerns at either our number 270-789-0034 or online at our website onecrosshealth.com.

What’ll Some Urgent Clinic Campbellsville People Provide To You?


Urgent clinic Campbellsville is the first integrative health clinic in the area. We offer excellent family medical care services including pediatric, elderly care, acute care, chronic care, addiction and recovery care, weight loss, and women’s healthcare. Our model offers counseling and social work services that assist with all areas of mental health including PTSD, anxiety, depression, individual and family counseling, addiction, and recovery. We offer peer support for our patient struggling with addiction. Our integrative health model brings holistic care to a new level. Natural solutions are designed to enhance your daily life see yourself and live the life you love. Our caregivers are to work the team to treat you like family. Because you’re not just another patient to us.

We offer holistic natural alternatives to conventional medicine when applicable here at urgent clinic Campbellsville. These conditions, including diabetes, elevated cholesterol, depression, anxiety, good health, insomnia, dementia, and other memory issues, as well as preventive health are all covered under our homeopathic consultations. We also offer minor lesion removal, minor lacerations, incisions and drainage of local skin absences, and skin lesion biopsies.

Urgent clinic Campbellsville offers a variety of chronic disease management and care as well. Our approach is an integrative approach to managing illnesses which includes screenings, checkups, monitoring, and coordinating treatments, and patient education so the chronic diseases we manage our COPD and asthma care, diabetics care, hypertension care, high cholesterol management, heart disease and failure, digestive disorder, and addiction. Our clinic offers conference of care to always serve.

Our team approach and commitment to excellence offers a variety of services to help care for all the needs of your family. By focusing on the whole person, we care for your physical health needs as well as care for your spiritual and emotional well-being. We offer to care for all of your health needs. We know that general health is more than the absence of disease but a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. We work hard to help you achieve all office of health. As a part of our general health, we offer a full service lab. You can see your lab results immediately after your provider reviews are lab results on the HELOW app. This app allows you to see your entire medical records and future appointment.

If you have medical related questions and need to reach a provider after hours, we offer 24 seven after our care. If you have an emergency after hours, please reach out to your nearest emergency room for care. We offer pure support through the week as well as evenings and weekends for those struggling with addiction. To become a part of our pure support program please make an appointment with our peer support specialists. We also offer cutting-edge mental health services and offer crisis management services as well if you’re interested in our mental health services including crisis management, call our number 270-789-0034. You can call clinic between the hours of eight and six on Monday, and eight and five Tuesday through Friday. You can also find all of our information and book your own appointment on our website onecrosshealth.com at anytime.