Fellowship of Christian Athletes



Donations may be sent to:
One Cross Community
106 Winston Way
Campbellsville, KY 42718

This program helps young athletes with four core values: Integrity, Serving, Teamwork, and Excellence – all aligned with corresponding Scriptures to increase their faith in biblical teachings and Christian principles.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

One Cross Medical Clinic of Campbellsville is a proud supporter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). FCA is a Christian-based, nonprofit organization founded in Eastern Oklahoma in 1954, later moving to its current base in Kansas City, Missouri. Don McClanen, the group’s founder, saw how athletes were used to promoting and advertising many causes and products. “Why not have them promote Christianity?,“ he thought. The power of an athlete’s voice is obvious, especially in today’s culture. What an awesome platform for Christianity! FCA was pioneered by former stars: Otto Graham, Branch Rickey, Bill Krisher, Carl Erskine, and Bobby Richards, followed by Kay Yow, Shanna Zolman, Tom Osborne, Shaun Alexander, Tony Dungy, Reggie White, Herschel Walker, John Wooden, Bobby Bowden, Tom Landry, and, more recently, by Tim Tebow, John Harbau, Colt McCoy, Jim Kelly, Tommy Tuberville, Jennie Finch, and many others. There are many public figures who were touched by FCA, including comedian Jeff Foxworthy, Gov. Mike Huckabee, and, from Duck Dynasty, Willie Robertson.

One Cross Clinic Campbellsville believes in the importance of the FCA in our schools, gyms, sports complexes, sport leagues and colleges, by a young man named Brett Bradford. Brett was a student-athlete at Lindsey Wilson College in Columbia, Kentucky. He is now the area representative for Taylor County, Adair County and Russell County. Brett is originally from Rochester, Minnesota. He was a collegiate wrestler who majored in counseling and minored in Christian ministries. While in Minnesota, Brett was achieved second place at the 2017 Junior College National Championships in the 157 lb. weight class. Brett then transferred to Lindsey Wilson in Kentucky to continue his studies and wrestle. During Brett’s final year competing at Lindsey Wilson, he achieved first place at the 2019 NAIA National Championships in the 165 lb. weight class.

Now Brett uses his passion for wrestling, and sports in general, to open doors for the Gospel. Brett officially joined the FCA staff team in December 2019. He approached One Cross Medical Campbellsville Clinic and showed us how important the FCA is for showing the love of Christ to student-athletes. He showed us testimony after testimony of those whose lives were changed by the influence of FCA. Brett’s vision is to the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. We at One Cross Medical Campbellsville Clinic are believing with Brett that this can be done! Brett is always intentional about leading coaches and athletes into a growing relationship with Jesus and His Church. Ministering to and through the coaches, Brett has seen teams, schools, and even communities transformed by Jesus and for Jesus.

FCA sponsors six national awards every year to coaches and athletes who have shown excellence in the areas of Christian character, community service and integrity on and off the field. The Bobby Bowden (former Florida State head coach) Athlete of the Year, is awarded once a year to a Division I football player whose Christian walk on the field and in the classroom set him apart from the crowd. The Grant Teaff (former Baylor University head coach) Coach of the Year Award is for football coaches who walk the Christian walk and are active in the FCA. The Kay Yow (North Carolina State University woman’s basketball coach) Heart of a Coach Award is for a women’s basketball coach who has ministered to her players according to biblical principles.

FCA also has a wide range of personal growth resources, including Daily Impact Play Devotionals which are daily devotional prayers delivered to your inbox. Devotionals give you hundreds of sports devotionals to browse through, prayer resources to help your prayer life, Bible studies for individual and/or small groups, audio messages that you can listen to for encouragement, printed resources such as Bibles and devotionals for purchase, Bible Reading Plans to help you engage in God’s Word, FCA Magazine archives, Competitors Creed, and Coach’s Mandate. These resources are a must for athletes and/or coaches looking to grow in their walk with Christ. These are resources that we at One Cross Medical Campbellsville Clinic are proud to sponsor and that we as staff access. Using some of these resources, Brett Bradford does a biweekly morning devotional with One Cross Medical Campbellsville Clinic staff. We look forward to and are so blessed by these FCA devotions.

There are many great ways to get involved with the FCA. One way is FCA Virtual, an online FCA Bible study or prayer meeting via Zoom or Hangout. FCA Huddles are in-person prayer, Bible, small group, devotional meetings that happen before or after school or practices, games and even weekends or evenings. There are 20,849 certified huddles. Camps at FCA come in many flavors, including Coaches Camp, Leadership Camp, Partnership Camp, Power Camp, Sports Camp, and Team Camp. Camps also happen in many different places and seasons, thus giving most everyone an opportunity to attend. There are over 20,000 camps available to FCA members. You can become a Character Coach, which is very similar to being a team chaplain. There are International Trips that may be your thing, as FCA ambassadors are also international travelers and currently in 106 countries. Our FCA Staff Brett Bradford is a very talented orator and enjoys the opportunity to speak on a stage, in a pulpit or even on the gymnasium floor.

One Cross Medical Campbellsville Clinic is amazed by FCA’s impact in this unprecedented year. Below is the total impact that FCA made in 2020 alone.

  • 29,429 Total Faith Decisions
  • 20,948 Total Certified Huddles
    • 19,073 U.S & 1,875 International
  • 332 Total Number of Camps
    • 193 U.S & 139 International
  • 24,452 Total Camper Attendance
    • 10,324 U.S
    • 14,128 International
  • 162 Total Number of Fields of Faith Events
  • 83,942 Total Reached at Fields of Faith Events
  • 101,049 Total Bibles Distributed
  • 2,161 Total Number of Staff
  • 365 Total Number of International Leaders


There are many ways to help/get involved with the FCA. You just need to reach out and ask at Fellowship of Christian Athletes, 8701 Leeds Road, Kansas City, MO 64129. Call 800-289-0909 or email fca@fca.org.

You can also support the FCA financially via a simple single gift or a recurring monthly gift. If you are compelled to help financially or if you have any questions, feel free to contact Brett Bradford at 507-316-8491, bbradford@fca.org, or go to his donation page at https://my.fca.org/brettbradford. One Cross Medical Campbellsville Clinic is proud to give a monthly gift to the FCA.

One Cross Medical Campbellsville Clinic believes in supporting our youth, so we have sponsored not only the FCA but also Taylor County Track & Field and Campbellsville Little League. We believe in our statement of faith: “Compelled by the love of Christ, One Cross Clinic offers high-quality health care of body, soul, and spirit to all that it serves.” We also believe in the statement of faith of the FCA: “We believe that for the salvation of the lost and sinful men and women regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life.” And their Mission Statement: “To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.”

These mission statements and statements of faith link One Cross Medical Clinic of Campbellsville and the FCA as like-minded and Christ-driven. We pray that by our partnership with FCA we can help lead coaches and athletes to Christ. We feel that a life with Christ is a life worth living.