Donations may be sent to:
One Cross Community
106 Winston Way
Campbellsville, KY 42718
At ChildFund, we help deprived, excluded and vulnerable children gain the capacity to improve their lives and the opportunity to become young adults, parents and leaders who bring lasting and positive change to their communities. We promote societies whose individuals and institutions participate in valuing, protecting, and advancing the worth and rights of children.
ChildFund International is a worldwide organization, founded in 1938 by Dr. J. Calvitt Clarke, designed to partner with local organizations, corporations, individuals, and governments in supporting and protecting children in extreme poverty. ChildFund reports that more than 570 million children are living in extreme conditions. Its goal is to help these children and put them in safe environments. We at One Cross Medical Campbellsville Clinic are proud to be in partnership with ChildFund International. James 1:27 talks about how God has called us to look out for those in need. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
The Vision of ChildFund International is ”A world in which every child realizes their rights and achieves their potential” and its Mission is to “Help deprived, excluded and vulnerable children have the capacity to improve their lives and the opportunity to become young adults, parents and leaders who bring lasting and positive change in to their communities. Promote societies whose individuals and institutions participate in valuing, protecting, and advancing the worth and rights of children. Enrich supporters’ lives through their support of our cause.” This aligns with One Cross Medical Campbellsville Clinic’s mission statement: “Compelled by the love of Christ, One Cross Medical Campbellsville Clinic offers high-quality health care of body, soul, and spirit to all it serves.” One Cross Medical Clinic is a proud sponsor of ChildFund International, and we pray that anyone reading this would also consider sponsoring this organization.
How do you support ChildFund International? One Cross Medical Campbellsville Clinic makes a monthly gift and to sponsor a particular child. Sponsoring a child is as easy as going online to, click on Donate to do a one-time gift or Sponsor a Child to do a monthly autopay. Once you click on the link of your choosing, just follow the easy step-by-step directions. You can also do it old school and call Child Fund International at 800-776-6767 or donate by email at or by mail at 2821 Emerywood Parkway, Richmond, VA 23294. You can also connect with ChildFund International on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, or Pinterest.
How does ChildFund International help? Sometimes parents lack the resources to provide children with health care, education, even food. ChildFund International addresses these issues in a number of ways: by providing loving caregivers, health care, nutrition, clean water, education, and opportunity and protection. They do this in 24 countries through 326 local partners, reaching 5.2 million adults, impacting 6.2 million children, making a difference for 11.4 million people. They do this by being in partnership with Nonghet, Laos, and giving children an opportunity for education, safe environments, clean water, sanitation and bright futures. They are there when disaster strikes to help underserved children and families with the essentials – water, sanitation, food and nonfood items and hygiene supplies as well as educational materials. They provide and transport necessities and supplies such as educational materials, medical supplies, and clothing to children, their families and communities through the Gifts in Kind Fund. Vision Tours allow participants of ChildFund to visit and meet the children/families that they are sponsoring, thus seeing the impact their donations are having on the lives of those whom they sponsor. They also encourage input for those who may have ideas to serve underserved people around the world. One Cross Medical Campbellsville Clinic believes this organization does an efficient and effective job of providing care to the world’s children in need.
ChildFund International is affecting Kenya by supplying solar-powered light, so the students can do their homework at night, due to their need to work during daylight hours; and the organization also educates young girls to give them options other than early marriage. The all-girls school gives the young ladies involved a new way of life. These girls are the next doctors, teachers, and nurses, they will be leaders in their communities. They are helping Kenya with new water sources – clean water sources. We here in America have many choices for clean water – filtered, bottled, tap – but in Kenya, many children do not have this choice. Unsanitary water results in a plague in Kenya, but ChildFund is doing its part to relieve this plague. Doesn’t every child deserve clean water, education, and food? We can help save a child for less than $1 a day. What can you do to help this crisis that not only affects Kenya but countries all around the world? The answer is to partner with ChildFund International, as we have at One Cross Medical Campbellsville Clinic.
ChildFund India has helped India since 1951. More than 1 million children and families are serviced in India by ChildFund India. They work with the most vulnerable children and families to help with food, water, education, and work programs. Eight hundred and thirty-six schools are funded by ChildFund India – education that affords them an opportunity to better themselves – which, without ChildFund India, these children would not have. ChildFund India is not only changing lives but saving lives daily.
ChildFund International is working worldwide to save lives in Asia, Africa, India, the Americas, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere. With the effects of AIDS, war, malaria, starvation, drought, and many other disasters, the world needs our help, and ChildFund is there with boots on the ground to help. It helps not only with food, water, and medical supplies, but also with education, job training, even herd animals to sustain families for years to come. Some families are supplied with goats and /or cattle to provide milk, meat, and even fertilizer from their waste. These animals provide a future for these families – a self-sustaining future. As Proverbs says, “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach and man to fish and feed him for life.” This is what ChildFund is doing with so many children/families: teaching them to be self-sustaining and self-sufficient, not only though building herds but also by learning to read, write, and do the math; job training; and assistance with how to maintain and build. One Cross Medical Campbellsville Clinic is proud to be partners with ChildFund International.
One Cross Community Health Center is the first integrative health-care clinic in the area. Our health model integrates holistic care to bring all its components to a whole new level. We offer excellent family medical care services, including pediatrics, elderly care, acute care, chronic care, addiction/recovery care, weight loss plans, and women’s health care. Our model offers counseling and social work services to assist with all areas of mental health, including PTSD, anxiety, depression, individual and family therapy, plus addiction and recovery services. We offer peer support for our patients struggling with addiction.
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